legal information
Managers of the JEHANNE company: Laureen and Marc DEBROISE
Accommodation: OVH – Roubaix

COMPANY JOEL JEHANNE is an SARL with capital of €75,000 whose headquarters is Zone Artisanale Actipôle – 35540 Miniac Morvan.

It is registered in the Saint-Malo Trade Register, under number B 352 437 073.

Terms of use

Any person who accesses the JEHANNE CHARPENTE site undertakes to respect these conditions of use.

Any person consulting the JEHANNE CHARPENTE Site is responsible for the data that they distribute, use and/or transfer and as such undertakes to respect the French regulations in force, in particular those relating to manifestly illicit content (violations of good morals, incitement racial hatred, pedophilia, etc.) or the protection of the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights, etc.). The company JEHANNE CHARPENTE is not responsible for the use of data, content distributed or the services of another person and who, in particular, does not comply with the regulations in force.

The establishment of a hypertext link to the JEHANNE CHARPENTE Site requires prior written authorization from the company JEHANNE CHARPENTE which cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for sites having a hypertext link with the JEHANNE CHARPENTE Site and declines all liability. as to their content and use.

The JEHANNE CHARPENTE Site is subject to French law, the French courts having sole jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.


Intellectual property

The content of this site is protected by copyright. Any reproduction without the explicit consent of the author is strictly prohibited. Joomla! is Open-Source software. For more information, consult the official French-speaking website.JEHANNE CHARPENTE is a French brand registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property.

No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or complete, of these elements (including those downloadable) may be made without the prior written consent of the company JEHANNE CHARPENTE, with the exception of use for private use subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.



Personal data

The company JEHANNE CHARPENTE informs you that the directly or indirectly nominative information collected on the JEHANNE Site (name, email, etc.), necessary for the operation of certain applications (email, newsletter, etc.), benefits from the protection of the law French n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as the “Informatics and Liberties Law”. This data may be stored, processed in an automated manner and used in particular to contact you and inform you of the existence of our products and services as part of commercial and/or marketing actions. JEHANNE CHARPENTE may be required to transmit the information collected to third parties.

For any information relating to the protection of personal data, in particular the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, deletion and/or opposition, you can send a postal letter to: JEHANNE CHARPENTE – Zone Artisanale Actipole 35540 Miniac-Morvan


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